
The following fonts are approved for use in print. If not installed on your device, they can be purchased through a variety of sources such as Adobe,, or FontShop.

Display Text

For titles, headlines, subheads and rubrics (display text), the official typeface is Benton Sans Regular and Benton Sans Condensed Regular. The recommended weight is bold or medium, but you may use book, black weights and italic.

Body Text

For the main body of print documents (longer text passages), we generally recommend classic serif typefaces such as Minion, Caslon and Garamond for their legibility and contrast with the display fonts listed above.

When a sans-serif font provides sufficient legibility in shorter passages, you may also use from the Benton font family: Benton Sans Book, Benton Sans Book Small Caps, Benton Sans Book Italic and the Benton Sans Extra Light family.

Additional Typefaces

In the event, that Benton Sans is unavailable, you may substitute simple, sans-serif fonts with equal width characters such as Helvetica or Arial.


The following fonts have been officially approved for use digitally.
- Libre Franklin for titles, headlines, subheads and rubrics
-Roboto Slab for paragraph text