Blavatnik Institute Departments

For Harvard Medical School departments that are part of the Blavatnik Institute, both horizontal and vertical orientations of the trademark are available. Note that both versions have locked up the department’s name, the Harvard name, and the HMS shield. If you have any further questions or need guidance, please write to

  • Blavatnik Institute Logo

    Blavatnik Institute Logo Lock up with Harvard Medical School

  • Blavatnik Institute Departmental Logos

    Academic Department Logo – Horizontal Lock-up



    Blavatnik Institute Department of Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacology logo lock-up



    Academic Department Logo – Vertical Lock-up



    Blavatnik Institute Department of Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacology logo lock-up vertically


  • Business Card for Quad-Based Faculty and Staff

    Business cards created for Harvard Medical School have special dedicated areas for information. Only the HMS primary logo is used for all business cards. Department or office locked up logos are not used on the business card and should not be used on official HMS business cards. Instead, the name of the office or department should be featured between the person’s title and office address. Underneath the logo features the person’s name, title, office address and office phone number. The reverse side has three options available for you to choose from: red HMS Griffin, outlined HMS Griffin and blank.

    Speak to your department administrator about how to order business cards through HCOM Marketplace.

    Business card for quad based faculty example

  • Departmental Signatures

    Guidance for email signatures is separate from the guidance below and can be found here.

    Listing your information should appear as follows:
    Name, Department, Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School


    Jane Smith, MD, PhD, Department of Health Care Policy, Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School

    When stacking for visual presentation: 

    Jane Smith, MD, PhD
    Department of Health Care Policy
    Blavatnik Institute
    Harvard Medical School

  • Departmental SWAG

    Standard branding arrangements for departmental SWAG:

    For an overview of the SWAG approval process, please see the Harvard Trademark Program guide. If you are using an HMS-approved logo, you may begin at step two by writing to with a mock-up obtained from one of the vendors licensed by the University identified in the linked document under “Step Four. Select a Licensed Vendor.” 

    Please ascertain if the University-licensed vendor placing approved HMS logo/wordmark on garments and fabrics can do so accurately by using only official supplied HMS logo/wordmark. It is unacceptable for vendors to attempt to re-interpret HMS typography or the HMS shield with their own files or design equipment.

    The ability of vendors to utilize the vertical or horizontal orientation of Blavatnik department trademarks when ordering SWAG will depend largely on the size and surface material of the item. The challenge associated with rendering these marks is typically two-fold: the complexity of the HMS shield necessitates a certain minimum size depending on whether the mark is being embroidered or screen printed, and certain items only have set spaces on which something can be printed or embroidered. In the tote bag example below, the vertically oriented version of the mark is the only option that would likely be usable by a vendor. In other scenarios, there may be room to choose between horizontal and vertical orientations. 

    Example of a tote bag with departmental branding embroidered on itExample of a white t-shirt with the HMS logo lock up horizontally with Global Health & Social Medicine logo


    Secondary arrangements for departmental SWAG:

    The most frequent difficulty is encountered when ordering fleeces, which often necessitate the use of an alternate structure given the limitations identified above. Before resorting to the default structure available to all units at the bottom of this section, one option is to use the HMS primary logo in the embroiderable space on the chest, and then identify the unit (e.g., “Blavatnik Institute, Department of Genetics”) on the opposite chest or upper sleeve.

    Example of fleece with split departmental text on the shoulder from the HMS primary logo



    Default arrangements for departmental SWAG:

    If rendering HMS logo/wordmark faithfully is impossible given limitations of embroidery machines or other transfer applications, the solution below is the only alternative approved by HMS. If your order requires this structure, please contact the design team to obtain the proper graphic file. This serves to prevent vendors and other organizations from creating styled wordmarks or logos that could be seen as official identities for the school.  


    Image of a fleece jacket with the HMS logo lock up on the right hand side


  • Faculty Lab Websites

    Should a Quad-based faculty member wish to include Harvard Medical School branding on their lab website, they may choose between their department’s logo or the Harvard Medical School primary logo. In instances when the faculty member’s lab is does not follow the traditional naming convention (e.g., Lastname Lab) in the URL and in the header of the site, the department’s branding should be used to clearly identify the lab as a unit within the department.

  • Use-of-Name and Logo Creation Guidance for Events

    Events should name and identify hosts, sponsors, and speakers (if appropriate) clearly. An event may only be identified as “co-hosted” when there is a equal division of administrative/organizational responsibilities and cost sharing between or among units.

    Events seeking to use official HMS branding should display the mark of the department, office, or unit hosting or co-hosting the event. The primary HMS logo should only be used for an institutionally-sponsored HMS-wide event.

    Unique marks or graphics created for a specific event (i.e., branding outside of official HMS marks) should be accompanied by text identifying the name of that event without the use of the University, School, or unit name. The University, School, or unit name may appear in a space that is significantly separated from the unique mark or graphic. For example, a department holding an annual outing may create tote bags bearing an original mark for the event and label it “2025 Annual Outing” on one side, and on the opposite side of the tote, identify the unit (e.g., “Harvard Medical School, Blavatnik Institute, Department of Genetics”).

    If there is a desire to use the unit name, or elements of HMS branding, in the graphic or word mark being created, then please contact Use of Name with a CC to Design. Please allow sufficient time for the design team to process your request.